
An in-depth, intensive program of study to enhance one’s ability to mentor the spiritual lives of individuals and Christian faith communities.

Take the next step in your ministerial career and strengthen your ability to transform the spiritual lives of individuals and Christian faith communities. 三个主题——祈祷和辨别, 精神指导的艺术, 在信仰社区内工作——强调这个项目. This advanced certificate is offered only in the summers and is completed over three summers. 该项目包括与教师的讨论, 他们是公认的专业人士, and hands-on, small-group work. Prerequisites include a master’s degree in theology and full-time experience in ministry.

Certificate Features

An introduction to the fundamentals of spiritual direction practice


Convenient summer study – two weeks for three consecutive summers




Unit A: Ways of Prayer & Discernment

Morning Session Themes

祷告的历史发展, 教导基督教祷告的形式, 祈祷的比较方法,地点和身体在祈祷中的重要性, the art of discernment, 以及辨别的工具和资源


Afternoon Session 

互动精神指导练习, verbatims, role plays, and peer review of prayer rituals


Morning Session Themes

精神指导的历史根源, 当代对精神指导的理解, 精神指导的发展考虑, 精神指导的伦理考虑起作用, contemplative listening, 以及精神方向上的特殊问题

Afternoon Session

互动精神指导练习, verbatims, role plays, 以及静修演讲的同行评议

第三单元:培养创造力 & 集体精神的形成

Morning Session Themes

仪式的创造性方法, 在灵性工作中对梦想的创造性方法, 创造性写作是一种精神资源,multiple intelligences and diverse ways of knowing in spiritual formation work, 扩展社区感,精神和一个人的工作群体, group discernment, 团体精神指引, 以及社区中出现的精神问题

Afternoon Session

互动精神指导练习, verbatims, role plays, 以及对圣经反思的同行评议

在第一年和第二年结束的时候, assignments are given to be completed in preparation for the next year’s session (i.e., reading, verbatim, prayer ritual, retreat presentation, and/or scriptural reflection). 单位A的顺序, B, 和C年级的课程不一定与第一学年同时进行, II, 三是参与项目. Students will begin with the unit being offered that year (Unit A for 2024). 完成所有三个单元才能获得证书.


Crista Mahoney
The past three years in the Post-Master's Certificate program has not only given me the practical skills and experience to make spiritual direction part of my everyday ministry, 但它却强化了我自己继续祈祷的重要性, discernment, 作为一个专业的牧师学习. 每个夏天都是一片绿洲, a chance to gather with colleagues and engage in what feels like a two-week retreat.
Crista Carrick Mahoney, Certificate Alumna


Application Requirements


Lay and ordained persons experienced in ministry with a master’s degree in a theological discipline are invited to apply. This program cultivates skills that are helpful for a wide range of ministerial positions, 并可应用于各种设置.


Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis after this date if space remains.


Application Form


Application Form

Application Fee

A non-refundable fee of $75 is required for every degree and non-degree application submitted.

Payment Options

  • Pay by credit or debit card via the web; You can pay the application fee at the same time your submit your application form.  However, if you do not pay the fee at the same time you submit your application, 你可以在晚些时候通过 Agora Portal. 您必须使用您的BC用户名和密码登录.

  • Pay by check or money order made payable to Boston College, via regular mail.  Please include your check with a copy of your application form submission confirmation page and include your name and intended degree program.

Please note: 报名费恕不退还. If you qualify for a fee waiver, you should not pay the fee when you submit the application form. 以下申请人可获减免学费:耶稣会士, veterans, applicants currently completing a year of service or who are Pell Grant-eligible, 以及CSTM在读学生. 我们不会因其他原因而免除申请费.

Personal Statement

The personal statement must be uploaded as part of the application.  The personal statement should be two to three pages in length, double-spaced.


  • 是什么让你在这个时候申请这个项目?
  • How do you hope this program will contribute to your growth as a minister?
  • 你对“灵性”这个词有什么理解??
  • 你如何描述“精神方向”?? 


我们需要所有大学的成绩单, universities, seminaries, 或者你上过的神学院. 每份成绩单应包含所修课程的清单, grades/marks received, and, if applicable, 授予的学位和学位确认日期. If your college or university will send official transcripts electronically, they can be emailed to stmadm@vig2.net.  Otherwise, transcripts must be mailed and be contained in a sealed, signed envelope. 如果官方成绩单不是英文的, 正式文件应提供翻译件. Please alert us if your transcript will be arriving with a different name than the one you are using on your application (e.g. your maiden name). Please note that a transcript is only considered official if received directly from the institution issuing it.

Please note that your application may be reviewed with unofficial copies of your transcripts. 如果你发送非官方的副本, know that if admitted, 你必须在开始上课前寄送正式副本. 如果你正在完成你的神学硕士学位, you must send a final, 毕业时成绩单的正式版本, 在开始攻读硕士证书之前. 如果您有任何问题,请与我们联系.

Mailing Addresses
对于使用美国签证的申请人.S. Postal Service:
Simboli Hall
140 Commonwealth Avenue
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467

Simboli Hall
9 Lake Street
Brighton, MA 02135-3841


Applicants to the Post-Master's Certificate are equired to submit one recommendation using the online application system. 

The recommender should be familiar with the applicant’s suitability for advanced training in spiritual formation work.

申请人为天主教教区神父或执事, or members of religious orders must submit a letter of approval and financial support from their bishop, major superior, or Provincial. 这是对其他建议的补充. Please select "Bishop/Major Superior" as the recommender type on the application form.

Please be sure that your recommenders are aware of the application deadlines and online process, and choose them carefully to ensure that they can write on your behalf in a timely manner.


简历必须作为申请的一部分上传. It is helpful if you highlight relevant ministry, service, and leadership positions you have held.

Religious & International Applicants

Religious Applicants

申请人为天主教教区神父或执事 or members of religious orders must submit a letter of approval and financial support from their bishop, major superior, or Provincial. Please select "Bishop/Major Superior" as the recommender type on the application form.

International Applicants

This experience has given me a language for and a capacity to recognize the movements and realities of the human spirit; something not always sought nor honored in our world. 这门课程在精神指导艺术方面尤为突出, has deepened my appreciation for this ancient Christian practice of accompanying others who seek to find meaning in the vastness of a loving, 仁慈而神秘的造物主在我们所有人的生命中展开. I am more capable of honoring that and assisting that growth in all persons.
Joseph Lagan, Certificate Alumnus

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